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Evidence Based Youth Policy Seminar


The last week I was in a small village near Vilnius (Lithuania) to discuss evidence based youth policy with a group of young people and youth workers from all other Europe organised by POLITIKOS TYRIM? IR ANALIZ?S INSTITUTAS from Lithuania.

It is always great to get into contact with many new people on youth policy from all across europe. I shared a little bit about the German system of youth policy and how it is set and and done. But even more intresting I lerned a lot from other countries and their practices. For example a current hot toppic in the UK are the huge cuts done in the health and welfare system.

The core idea of the project was to bring together youth researchers and practitioners from different European countries to develop set of tools that can be used Europe-wide to analyse youth (policy) situation. We shared a lot of research tools and information about what youth policy is. We talked about methodology and about the current practices. 

It is very good to see that many of us share the passion in research and participation. Which gave me the motivational boost to finally finish my draft expose for my phd application.

Our organisers did a super job and held that seminar in a very small village outside Vilnius in the middle of nowhere but at least it was great winter and snow.

Two intresting Links I want to share with you:

Youth work standards developed by the Goverment of Ireland as part of its presidency:

And from Germany the so called Beutelsbach Consensus about what good political education is:



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