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National Disaster Drill

Explosions and Fire created from the Quake
Explosions and Fire created from the Quake

Today we had the big National Disaster Drill here in Bengkulu. The scenario is as follows: an earthquake has occurred in the ocean before Bengkulu and now the community has to face the after effects of said earthquake and and a tsunami.

We wonderd why they had watercanons in the line up for the simulasi, now we know, they needed it to simulate the tsunami

Yesterday we already had a staff exercise and at the evening a formal reception and today there was the great simulasi. And we must say it was not a real exercise, because the Indos had rehearsed (!) it yesterday afternoon but more a presentation of abilities for the public and government officials.

They even had water-canons to simulate the tsunami, actually the polisi in them was quite nice and we talked a little afterwards. But they made their colleagues wet as well.

Help is on the way

Still I was impressed by the speed and professionalism of the actions and the effort they had put into it.

The amount of material and personal participating was remarkably and many stakeholders from Red Cross, SAR, Police, Hospitals, the Road Department, the Health Departement, Boyscouts (the list has several pages) were involved at it was great to see them work.

Red Cross activities

The local red cross branch was involved with Field Kitchen, Medical Action Team, Evacuation and putting up a lot of tents.

It was a great and intresting event and I wish we did more like this in Germany.

More Pictures on my flickr stream

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