Classroom Research Class at the PH with Dr. Heather Lotherington

In the last couple of weeks I attend a very intensive class at the PH. Usually our classes are via one term and only two hours per week. This class is only four weeks but 8 hours each week, so we are together a lot. Its only my second class in which we are on first name base with the lecturer, the other one was with Tonio Oeftering when he had just started his PhD Program and we intensivly read texts about Hannah Arendt, one of the most intresting polictics Seminars I did ever.

The lecturer from York University / Picture created with the help of:

But back to our Class about Classroom Research. I had a seminar in English about it once with another lecturer but it wasn’t that interesting and I don’t remember so much. Heather is really full of power („Energiebündel“) and seems to be very enthusiastic about what she does. I wish we had more lectures like this. Though I wonder if she is very leftist? At least she seems to have a high rateing on the scales for political zynisism.

I wish we had more exchange lectureres it makes studying so much more intresting.

A friend of mine in Bengkulu (Sumatra) is writing his Bsc Thesis on this as well so I hope I might help him a little with this, too. „Classroom Research Class at the PH with Dr. Heather Lotherington“ weiterlesen